An allergy is where your body reacts to something that’s normally harmless like pollen, dust or animal fur. The symptoms can be mild, but for some people they can be very serious.
Causes of allergies
Things that cause allergic reactions are called allergens.
Common allergens include:
- tree and grass pollen (hay fever)
- house dust mites
- foods, such as peanuts, milk and eggs (food allergy)
- animals, particularly pets like cats and dogs
- insect stings, such as bee and wasp stings
- certain medicines
Check if it’s an allergy
Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include:
- a runny nose or sneezing
- pain or tenderness around your cheeks, eyes or forehead
- coughing, wheezing or breathlessness
- itchy skin or a raised rash (hives)
- diarrhoea
- feeling or being sick
- swollen eyes, lips, mouth or throat